Case Study: Research Recruitment & Dashboard | Mindspace
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American Heart Association


Digital interactions and gamification recruit, attract and motivate participants to take part in accelerating research for a healthier generation.


Create an experience that inspires, motivates and engages participants to self-report health information to drive new research discoveries.


An interactive recruitment tool with a simple and intuitive user experience paired with a gamified dashboard to increase engagement (submission of health information) throughout the program.

A healthier generation starts here

A simplified website UI and bold design were created to increase engagement and sign ups across age groups. Multi-generational imagery and future-looking copy were used to inspire action for the benefit of humans yet to be born.

A simple story to inspire action

Mindspace filmed a short narrative to communicate the value of My Research Legacy through an emotion-based appeal to potential participants.


Scope of Services

Design   |   Creative Direction   |   Content Strategy & Creation   |   HTML5 Development   |   Gamification   |   Custom Video & Photography   |   Learning Motivation Design

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